[En-Nut-Discussion] Support for Atmel ATxmega128A1

Ulrich Prinz uprinz2 at netscape.net
Thu Feb 25 21:01:40 CET 2010


The difference in programming XMega compared to Non-X-mega is not the 
language or the compiler, its the way of programming.

The Xmegas offer a very interesting DMA and interrupt implementation 
together with a highly configurable I/O interface. This offers a 
programmer to write more or less totally reactive structures.
Or as an example: If you normally programmed a main() that starts things 
that request and activate things by running in a loop, an Xmega does 
require a main() only for some chip and I/O setup. The rest of the 
software is programmed as interrupt routines together with sort of pipes 
that shift data between the interfaces via DMA. It's a bit like a DSP 
works. I like the way but it's not everyones way.

But you can use the AVRX like any other AVR but you'll have to implement 
the new init for all the periphals, as you need to assign GPIO ports to 

I do not have any of these chips, but was on a training for them, so I 
had a short glimpse into the new system. Looks interesting, but before 
one and a half year there where almost no chips available. May be I 
order some for my SDK600 after all these expositions are over.

Best regards, Ulrich

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