[En-Nut-Discussion] NutTcpStateActiveOpenEvent fails for "tiny" connections

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Wed Jan 27 12:38:35 CET 2010

Malte Marwedel wrote:

> I came to the conclusion, that PASSIV would require a second thread in 
> the ftpd, in order to work as expected.

Unfortunately there seems to be no way around it. While I was working on
a fix, I decided to look into NutTcpAccept backlog and timeout first, in
the hope that this may lead to a different approach. It didn't.

For low memory systems we may optionally remove PASV support, so they
are not forced to spend RAM on an additional thread.

> I think, I fixed that too. I will publish the changes if I am satisfied 
> with the results.

That's great. I do not have enough time right now, but sooner or later
I'll need a conformant FTP server for one specific product.


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