[En-Nut-Discussion] Improvement of build with (q)nutconf

uprinz2 at netscape.net uprinz2 at netscape.net
Thu Oct 21 13:21:11 CEST 2010

Hi again,

here is a second wish for improvement:

If you develop low level drivers you often need to recompile Nut/OS.
Both tools support a more or less small window presenting the build output. nutconf reduces the output to a minimum but gives you the option to just update the Makefiles and then abort. Then you can call make in a CMD window. Here you get alle compiler output you like.

In opposite qnutconf works reasonable faster and gives full compiler output, but does not allow to just update the Makefiles and compile separately. 

Both tools have the option to update the Makefiles in the application directory too, but only in a menu. I can tell you that this is needed many times if you develop low level drivers.

What I have in mind is something easy:
The tools should get two buttons, one that only updates the Makefiles for the build and one that creates/updates the application directory.

For the update only build button I suggest a half-colored NutTree where only the upper half is gray and the trunk is green. An icon for application directory update... I don't know so far.

Best regards

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