[En-Nut-Discussion] Can't correctly build NutOS 4.8.9 on Fedora 14 for Ethernut 2.1b

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Mon Apr 18 16:25:08 CEST 2011

Hi Bernard,

On 4/18/2011 3:33 PM, Bernard Fouché wrote:
> Le 16/04/2011 16:04, Harald Kipp a écrit :
>> Same problem here when using Nut/OS 4.8.9 with avr-gcc 4.3.4 and
>> avr-libc 1.6.7. For some reason something is broken with relative paths.
>> Please try absolute paths
>>     Repository: /home/bernard/ethernut/nut/conf/repository.nut
>>     Source Directory: /home/bernard/ethernut/nut
>>     Platform: avr-gcc
>>     Build directory: /home/bernard/ethernut/nutbld
>>     Appl. Directory: /home/bernard/ethernut/nutapp
>>     Programmer: avr-dude
>> All other settings should be left empty.
> It does not work either: the compilation breaks reporting absolute paths
> instead of relative ones ;-) :
> 14:39:34: Nut/OS Configurator Version 2.0.9
> 14:39:34: Linked to wxWidgets 2.8.11
> 14:39:34: Running on Linux i686
> 14:39:34: Working in /home/bernard/ethernut/ethernut-4.8.9
> 14:39:35: Failed to load help file
> 14:39:43: Loading /home/bernard/ethernut/nut/conf/repository.nut
> 14:39:43: Loading
> /home/bernard/ethernut/ethernut-4.8.9/conf/ethernut21b.conf

Do not use ethernut-4.8.9. Load the conf file from
> I try running NutConf with absolute path from /home/bernard/ethernut or
> /home/bernard/ethernut/nut.

Run it from /home/bernard/ethernut only. Do not try anything else.

> Thanks to strace(1) I see that make(1) enters nutbld/arch . Since
> avr-gcc is launched without any '-I../..whatever_is_needed', it can't
> find the header files. I have added in UserConf.mk:
> CFLAGS+=-I../../nut/include

No, do not add anything. Leave everything as it is. And, btw. why relative paths again instead of absolute?

> But then avr-gcc does not know what MCU is concerned, I have to add to
> the previous string:
> -mmcu=atemega128

No, this is not required. Don't add this.

> It seems that defining that I use an Ethernut 2.1b does not bring in all
> the 2.1b stuff and every define which is target related is ignored by
> the build process. When I define:
> -DNUT_CPU_FREQ=14745600

Everything is included in the Ethernut 2.1 conf file. Do not add this unless you need it.

> What is problematic with nutconf is the difficulty to get a trace of
> what tool runs in what directory, what file is processed before running
> make(1), etc...

As explained in the software manual (I think it is, isn't it), in case of any problems you may open a shell, change to nutbld and run 'make clean all install' to see the full command output.

Let me repeat the most important piece:

> Since
> avr-gcc is launched without any '-I../..whatever_is_needed', it can't
> find the header files.

This should not happen. Can you please open a command line and then

 cd ~/ethernut/nut
 make clean

and then execute

 make all

and send the related output of the first avr-gcc execution? It should be

make -C arch
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/bernard/ethernut/nutbld/arch'
avr-gcc -c -mmcu=atmega128 -Os -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-ahlms=context_gcc.lst -DETHERNUT2 -D__HARVARD_ARCH__ -I/home/bernard/ethernut/nutbld/include  -I/home/bernard/ethernut/nut/include  /home/bernard/ethernut/nut/arch/avr/os/context_gcc.c -o avr/os/context_gcc.o

May be, just to make sure to start with a clean environment, remove /home/bernard/ethernut/nutapp and /home/bernard/ethernut/nutbld and re-create them with the Configurator using "Build Nut/OS". This makes sure that all your previous mods are gone. 

One thing I can imagine is, that your environment contains something, that may be misinterpreted by make. But your command line output should give us more informations.



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