[En-Nut-Discussion] Power manager interface

Thiago A. Corrêa thiago.correa at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 22:21:07 CEST 2011


    I've started working with porting Nut/OS to support UC3L in
addition to UC3A/B devices. I'm using it for a small board that
controls relays, so no networking. Still, something came up with the
port, the power manager.

    In the UC3A and B family, the Power manager controls the PLL and
crystal selection. In the UC3L however, there is a different
peripheral that does that. Unfortunally, Atmel didn't make their code
in a way to abstract those differences and let a single code run on
top of any of those, making programmers rely on ugly #ifdefs. I'm
starting to cut down on the pm.c module, keeping only what I need to
setup the PLL on UC3A/B and will try to get the same interface to work
with UC3L, so I don't have to polute nutinit with those implementation

    I suspect Ulrich might have already had similar problems with the
cortex branch so I might be reinventing some private functions that
could perhaps be public in a standard API.

    Do you think this should be exported? Or should we keep the
powermanager interface to ourselfs in private implementations in each

Kind Regards,
    Thiago A. Correa

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