[En-Nut-Discussion] Nut/OS 4.10 branch created, please merge trunk with dev-branches

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Thu Jun 30 09:40:57 CEST 2011

Hi Ole,

On 6/29/2011 3:09 PM, Ole Reinhardt wrote:

> Just a little request :) Could you perhaps create a new installer
> package for the 4.10 release?

Of course, I will create the packages. After Michael divided the target
directories, I told him that I'll take over the job to update the NSIS
and automake scripts. Will do it within the next days.

Btw. I'd like to switch to the Qt version of the Configurator. For
Windows this is no big deal. Some time ago you sent me the related
automake scripts and I tried to integrate them into the Nut/OS
configure.ac. Well, but after many years I almost all of my knowledge
about autotools vanished again. Do you think you can look into this,
replacing the wxWidget stuff with Qt?

> I did not yet manage to create a full installer package by myself using
> your scripts and would like to put the current 4.10 release on our
> software CDs for the eNet-sam7X board.

You mean the Linux source package or the Windows installer? Probably the
latter. The Lua script requires some adaption and you need to have a lot
of tools installed to get the full Windows installation.

> USB stack: Is there just any work in progress?

Up to now I just looked into several other source files and documents to
get a feeling about the required effort.

Best regards,


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