[En-Nut-Discussion] En-Nut-Discussion Digest, Vol 89, Issue 5. Solved:spduo firmware, nutos configurator

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Sun Mar 13 16:34:59 CET 2011

Hi Karla,

On 3/13/2011 1:58 AM, Karla Gamez wrote:

> Hello Harald, I got the firmware of the spduo updated and finally got
> the nutos configurator working, i just had to un-install and install
> again the ethernut 4.8.8. I got a question from the basemon, is it
> really important to be able to run it?? Or is it just and example
> like the "testcode" ?? I see that one of the  options you get from
> basemon is "Ethernet controller read/write" and "Configure network
> and start webserver", can i do this from somewhere else?

I'm glad to hear that you finally managed to get it working. Just 
because I'm an obtrusive dogmatist: Strictly following the screencast 
works, right?

Forget about BaseMon. You will only need it again, if ever, to test your 
hardware in case something looks broken. The best thing about BaseMon 
is, that it will run on broken hardware...only up to a certain break 
level, of course.

You may now try the samples at


or those in your app13h directory. All samples are self-contained, no 
kernel, no boot-loader or no whatever else is required.



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