[En-Nut-Discussion] NUT/OS and lm3s6965

Henrik Maier hmnews at proconx.com
Tue Mar 15 22:56:23 CET 2011


I had a look recently at the 9000 series (LM3S9B96 et al). From the 
specs those chips look like a great offering with integrated PHY which I 

But have a look at the LM3S9B96 errata. There are two big concerns 
listed with the current C3/C5 revision. One is "Flash memory endurance 
cycle specification is 100 cycles" the other one is "Flash corruption or 
device failure may occur at power on" . Both are highly critical issues 
and until this is fixed I consider the chips a no-go.

But the biggest issue seems availability. Nobody seem to stock them.

According to the following post, TI seems to have supply problems for 
quite some time, even for older Stellaris chips:


So I am still researching what the best CPU choice for a new Nut/OS 
based design would be. ST STM32xxx, NXP LPC23xxx or Atmel AT91SAM7XC512?



On 24/02/2011 1:31 AM, Ole Reinhardt wrote:
> Hello,
>> I would like to evaluate NUT/OS with the LM3S6965
> Yes, we have started some experiments with NutOS for Luminary chips. I
> have two eval boards here with LM3S8962 and LM3S9B96.
> But that still quite and in the very first stage. If you need further
> support send me a private mail.
> Bye,
> Ole

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