[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut 5 + Eclipse tutorial

Markus Dost markus.dost at dr-clauss.de
Mon Feb 20 08:22:17 CET 2012


I try to debug the Ethernut 5 board with the turtelizer2 and Eclipse.  
After starting OpenOCD, I want to run the debugging and the console  
puts out:
	"Info: accepting 'gdb' connection from 3333"

But then the progress stops and this error message appears:
	"Error in final launch sequence
	Failed to execute MI command:
	-target-select remote localhost:3333

	Error message from debugger back end:
	Malformed response to offset query, timeout
	Malformed response to offset query, timeout"

Does anybody know what I've made wrong?

Best regards,

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