[En-Nut-Discussion] Changelog for releases

Ole Reinhardt ole.reinhardt at embedded-it.de
Tue Jun 19 16:27:39 CEST 2012

Hi Harald,

> > but there is no real changelog or release notes that explain what has
> > changes since the last release in a more clear and abstract way.
> I know what you mean, but please do not use the old ChangeLog for this,
> because it might become confusing. In no way I want to introduce that
> old behavior, where we used "I modified a few lines" for the commit and
> a real description in ChangeLog. The real description needs to go into
> the commit message. If these commit messages are not precise enough, we
> should improve them instead of opening another secondary log.

Yes, I agree. My basic intention was more the "release notes" instead of
a changelog.

> Release notes sounds much better to me. I agree, that we need some kind
> of overview. But for historical reasons ChangeLog wouldn't be the right
> name. We may, for example, use NEWS or README, which already exist in
> the repository.

The News file would be the right one in my eyes. And a short extract for
the website for each release.

> But your "kind of" is to vague to me. If we do not define this more
> exactly, we may end up with the same dissatisfying descriptions that we
> have now in the repository.


> In the first place, I'd divide the release notes into sections: Added, changed, fixed and removed.

Good idea.

> We need to specify, down to which level these entries should be listed
> outside of subversion. For example, I'd only list those changes, which
> significantly improve code size or performance, and changes which break
> existing applications.

Ok! But we should add important bug fixes because this could be a reason
for someone to switch to a new Nut/OS version.

If you like I could take some time and try to go throuch all commits
since (e.g. 2009) and extract the major changes and improvements there
to have a starting point. 




Thermotemp GmbH, Embedded-IT

Embedded Hard-/ Software and Open Source Development, 
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