[En-Nut-Discussion] Problem with GpioIrqEnable

Klaus Kloos klaus.kloos at gmx.de
Thu Mar 1 21:41:19 CET 2012

Hello Steve
>  It's pointing to PioCtlA (see my previous post).
Sorry, ive missed that.
So your IRQ-Handler is PioCtlA, which is enabling the IRQ.... is that right, and is it the way you want it to be? Looks strange to me.
At the beginning of PioCtlA the IRQ is disabled. When the IRQ is enabled, the IRQ-function might be called directly (im not sure about that) leading to a new call to PioCtlA, ... and again.....  until the stack is gone.
You will get more information setting a breakpoint at the start of PioCtlA.

Some weeks ago ive asked a similar questions about external IRQs. May be the answer helps you too.

Greetings Klaus
>  In that function it is hanging up at:
>    outr(PIOA_IER, _BV(bit));  //NOT returning from here
>  Also in the previous post.
>  Thanks!

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