[En-Nut-Discussion] EIR & RAM-Test

Markus Dost markus.dost at dr-clauss.de
Thu Oct 18 08:58:51 CEST 2012

Good Morning,

thanks for the many replies.

Am 17.10.2012 16:50, schrieb Harald Kipp:
> This is specified in the linker script. What version of Nut/OS are you
> using?
I'm using Nut/OS on an AT91SAM7SE256 with 32 KB internal RAM. I 
do not fully understand the linker script and need a bit of help with it.
In the configurator I set the following:
     Tools -> GCC Settings -> LInker Script = at91sam7se256_rom
     Architecture -> ARM-GCC Startup -> SDRAM Base Adress unchecked
     RTOS Kernel -> Memory management -> Memory size = 32768 and    
Memory start = 0x200000

In the linker script at91sam7se256_rom.ld I changed the lines 97 and 111 to

     ) > iram

and rebuild the OS.

But now my program get stucked in an endless loop relocating the .data 

Best regards,

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