[En-Nut-Discussion] STM32F103 USART

Achim achim_muc1971 at gmx.de
Wed Oct 14 11:50:41 CEST 2015

Hi Uwe,

sorry fort he rare information, but I´m just starting the UART-Project with
a few lines of code...

the _write and _read functions in your example work, but my problem is, that
I wantg to use interrupt functionality for receive. 

I´ve now gone step by step through the code. If I understood it right, all
the interrupts are handled inside stm32_usart.c by writing all received data
into a ringbuffer - right? 
Hence I think about what´s the best way to have my own RX-Interrupt

When debugging NutRegisterDevice calls UsartInit() und this calls
Stm32UsartInit(). Within this function The Interrupt-Handler with buffer
functionality is called. Hence I see no way to implement my own
Interrupt-Handler without modifications in nut/os - right?


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