[En-Nut-Discussion] Configurator

Holger Mai mai at gemac.info
Mon Apr 11 16:53:23 CEST 2016

Ok, since i work with Coocox / System Workbench, they need all object libs in
the archiv format .a

But the result of the compilation is all as .a, except the libnutinit. No
problem, write a batch and call the ar.exe from gcc, she does it. In the same
batch i make a copy of the include files in nutbld, so that i ever had the
actual system include files, which what the libs was compiled, in my project.

the pre compile option maybe used to increment a build counter in a header file.
I do this in my projects (for the Application), eclipse support those calls. 

mit freundlichen Grüßen /Best Regards

Holger Mai

mai at gemac-chemnitz.de

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