[En-Nut-Discussion] Trunk, STM32F107VC, how set a CPU frequency of 72MHz with HSE of 25MHz

Michael Fischer fischermi at t-online.de
Sun Apr 17 11:29:05 CEST 2016

Hello List,

some more infos. For me it looks that SetSysClockSource or other functions
in stm32f1_clk.c are broken. In case of the stm32f10C-eval (STM32F107VC)
the value of new_sysclk is 180MHz.

SystemCoreClockUpdate calculate a sys_clock of 225MHz.

Later the Stm32UsartSetSpeed get a apbclock of 112.5MHz.

Therefore the USART produce only stupid characters on the terminal.

Best regards,

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