[En-Nut-Discussion] SP Duo 2 and current Atmel tools

hmnews at proconx.com hmnews at proconx.com
Fri Jul 29 01:45:21 CEST 2016

No, But this programmer is part of the Ethernut starter kit, so the question is somewhat related to Ethernut and I was hoping someone here would know.

Uwe Bonnes wrote:
>>>>>> "hmnews" == hmnews<hmnews at proconx.com>  writes:
>      hmnews>  I am wondering, is there a newer firmware for SP Duo so the SP
>      hmnews>  Duo would work with the current crop of Atmel tools (Atmel
>      hmnews>  Studio 7, atprogram.exe)?
> Is the firmware part of NutOS?

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