[En-Nut-Discussion] -- problems recompiling under ImageCraft

JasonG jas_g at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 12 21:32:09 CET 2002

First problem is with a compiler error,

from file \include\fs\uroms.fs , line 103

extern int NutRomFileRead(ROMFILE *romf, void *data, size_t size);

I commented this out and it compiled fine.

Also, I changed the #include <iom128v.h> in compiler.h following the
warning instructions.

But, I cannot get this to compile and process the HTTP requests.  I'm
using v6.26 of ImageCraft, v2.5.9.1 of the Ethernut, and believe I have
installed everything correctly.  DHCP works fine, I can ping it,
terminal output recognizes the requests coming in, but no output to the
either a browser window or a simple java program i wrote to hit port 80
on the IP address.  Connections go through, just no data back.

I am able to download the .hex file from the bin directory, and this
works.  I still experience a significant performance difference between
the v2.4.2 binaries and these, as I mentioned in another message to the

Thanks for responses,

--- JasonG <jas_g at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have installed the new v2.5.2 binaries to an atm128 ethernut board.
> Have you noticed the differences between how the http requests are
> handled between the two versions?  This is a simple test: point

jas_g at yahoo.com

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