AW: [En-Nut-Discussion] IAR Compiller and PPP implementation

Robert Hildebrand robert.hildebrand at
Wed Apr 2 15:23:04 CEST 2003

-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
Von: en-nut-discussion-admin at
[mailto:en-nut-discussion-admin at]Im Auftrag von Blazquez
Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. April 2003 21:31
An: en-nut-discussion at
Betreff: [En-Nut-Discussion] IAR Compiller and PPP implementation

Hi there! I am making a project with a GM47 (GPRS Sony Ericcsson Module) and
a ATMega128 and i want to implement a web browser on it , to do this i need
a PPP stack and also a IP stack. I've downloaded th source code but i have
some questions:

First: i have the IAR Compiller , can i compile the souce with it, have i to
do any changes or includes ????

I have ported several projects from IAR to GNU and vice versa, normally you
just have to change the keywords (eg. for interrupt-serviceroutines) and
look carefull if the libraries do the same. But you should really consider
to use one of the supported compilers or you have to do the porting
everytime you take a new version of nut/os.

Second : Is there anybody who has achieved to implement  PAP succesfully


Third : I don't have the 32K RAM extension, This would be a problem ? I have
to change something in the source?

Nut/OS without ram extension works, but you are really limited. It is not a
convenient way of developing. MAybe you should use a Ethernut-Board for your
first steps and shrink yout application later.

Thanks you all in advace , and sorry about these questions cause  I'm a
completly newby in this field ,

Regards ,

Jon Blazquez


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