[En-Nut-Discussion] PPP problem (or maybe a bug)

Korbai, Zoltan korbai at axelero.hu
Thu Dec 4 17:36:53 CET 2003


We used a lot the NUT 3.3.0 with PPP with success. From 3.3.2 (and the
latest CVS)
do not able to establish a PPP connection (NutNetIfConfig("ppp", 0, 0, 0)
allways failed) for us.
I tried to find what changes made this problem for us and I found the
following code
in the lcpout.c#void LcpTxConfReq(NUTDEVICE *dev, u_char id)
caused it:

        xcpo = (XCPOPT *)((char *)xcpo + xcpo->xcpo_len);
        xcpo->xcpo_type = LCP_MAGICNUMBER;
        xcpo->xcpo_len = 6;
        xcpo->xcpo_.ul = dcb->dcb_neg_magic;

If I comment this out and change the condition
    if ((nb = NutNetBufAlloc(0, NBAF_APPLICATION, 12)) != 0) {
    if ((nb = NutNetBufAlloc(0, NBAF_APPLICATION, 6)) != 0) {
solve this problem (this is from the 3.3.0 version).

Another problem:
I wrote an email to this list with "Uninitialized variables (under GCC)"
It would be very usefull to insert it in the next release (using heap_start
instead of bss_end
when calculating start of heap under GCC, init.c, nutinit.c).


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