[En-Nut-Discussion] PPP-Stack with T-D1

Mike Cornelius mikec at calldirect.com.au
Mon Jan 13 04:37:17 CET 2003

Hi Achim,

Is this a dial-up or GPRS connection?

I have recently made some improvements to the PPP stack and have it working
with a local ISP (Prior to this it only worked over GPRS).

There are however a few things that will still trip it up during option

I am waiting for a local service provider to set up a particular service for
me and once this happens I should be able to release an updated PPP driver
which should handle option negotiation a bit more thouroughly.

Time frame is probably end of next week.


Mike Cornelius                      Internet: mikec at calldirect.com.au
Call Direct Cellular Solutions      Phone:    +61 2 99-65-75-85
Level 1 8-22 West St North Sydney   FAX:      +61 2 99-65-75-90
NSW 2060 Australia                  URL:      http://www.calldirect.com.au

-----Original Message-----
From: en-nut-discussion-admin at egnite.de
[mailto:en-nut-discussion-admin at egnite.de]On Behalf Of Achim Elsner
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 10:23 PM
To: 'en-nut-discussion at egnite.de'
Subject: [En-Nut-Discussion] PPP-Stack with T-D1

Has anybody tried the PPP-Stack with the German T-D1 ?
I get LCP-Code 3 back (Configure Nak)

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