[En-Nut-Discussion] Using NutOS without external SRAM?

Lars Andersson laran at ikp.liu.se
Sat May 15 11:29:06 CEST 2004


Is there any special considerations one has to take into account for the minimal HW configuration you are using ? Any experience with the mega256?

Lars A Andersson

-----Original Message-----
From: Marc Wetzel [mailto:mwse at gmx.de]
Sent: den 9 maj 2004 12:49
To: en-nut-discussion at egnite.de
Subject: [En-Nut-Discussion] Using NutOS without external SRAM?


I'm not really a newbie concerning Nut/OS but it seems I'm running against a
wall here...

I have the problem that a minimal system (atmega128,8MHz) with only one
running task (not counting the idle-task and main) goes booboo
everytime it tries to execute fprintf right after registering one

I'm using the latest NutOS - but I dont think this is a problem with the
code but with too much RAM consumed at the wrong places.

So, my question is: How much RAM is minimum, if I want to use 2 buffered
uarts and 2 tasks?

How much memory should each task have? I already tried to tweak nutinit.c in
a project-local copy, because ~1500byte heap is allocated to the main-task
and I tried to reduce this step by step. 


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