[En-Nut-Discussion] opened TCP connection

Alexander Baranov Baranov at intech21.com
Thu May 27 22:00:47 CEST 2004

I have to establish TCP connection and stay connected for a long time (e.g.
several hours).  I create a socket 'dirsock' , start accepting the
connection with port 23 (telnet)  - NutTcpAccept(dirsock, 23). When
connected, I go to an infinite looped command monitor. It works fine but if
I stop active data exchange (issuing monitor commands through telnet) it
hangs after 10-15 seconds of idle state  and reboots through watchdog timer.
Is it natural behavior of connected sockets without active data transfer or
I miss something as usual?
Alexander Baranov
Intech21, Inc.
50 Glen Street,
Glen Cove, NY, 11542

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