Matthias Ringwald mringwal at inf.ethz.ch
Fri May 28 12:05:46 CEST 2004

Hi there.

We just spend several days hunting for a bug in our communication to 
the bluetooth which is
done over the usart driver of the atmega128.

Problem was, that the driver was set to COOKED_MODE per default, which 
means that he just adds some
\r to every \n you send. Sure, for a terminal that's nice, but our 
bt-module really didn't appreciate it.

- Put a BIG WANRING sticker into the description of the usart driver OR
- Let's set the default mode to RAW (I would argue that most people 
using an UART driver on an embedded
system would find quite naturally)

I do understand, that it was set to COOKED_MODE because that's standard 
on linux.
But in my opinion, it already sucks on linux and could be different in 
nut/os ?

(Polemic: Did you ever try writing some bytes to a serial port, and did 
copy & paste almost
one page of c code just configure the port.. ? if not you may also have 
a look into dev/unix_devs.c
where I try hard to tell unix just to be RAW. so this BUG also didn't 
occur in the unix emulation)

yours truly,

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