[En-Nut-Discussion] Is there a "NutHttpGetParameter" equivalent?

Lars Andersson lakab at telia.com
Sun Sep 26 22:59:26 CEST 2004


>From the NUT download area I quote:

- Mikael Adolfsson made some modifications to the 
- pro/httpd to make it able to parse the QueryString 
- into a decoded table, so you can access form 
- parameters more easily. 

I find these functions nice and easy to use,
so I copy these into pro/httpd for every new release
of EtherNut.
Is there an equivalent package somewhere in
EtherNut that I can use instead?

<off_topic> Is there a way in the Windows environment
to apply Unix style Diff files? I can create such files
with "ExamDiff" but I do not know how to use them for
source file updates like patching httpd.

Reported version string of 3.9.2 seems to be pre,
or I might have crosslinked my sources? 

Lars H. Andersson

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