[En-Nut-Discussion] Re: En-Nut-Discussion Digest, Vol 15, Issue 21

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Thu Feb 3 17:39:23 CET 2005


At 09:11 27.01.2005 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi Harald,
>I sent an email on 21st Jan regarding ARP when e.g. UDP originates from 
>Nut/OS. This is also true for a syslog.
>There was no response to my contribution. Did I miss something ?

If you still didn't get a response, you _did_ miss something -
my previous post. :-)

Like I assumed, the main problem was, that the Ethernet driver
for the LAN91C111 didn't return a transmit error. It hung for
15 seconds on each outgoing packet. This had been fixed in


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