[En-Nut-Discussion] RTL8019 Init Problem after power up

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Mon Feb 28 09:40:44 CET 2005


Which board revision and Nut/OS version are you using?


At 22:09 27.02.2005 +0100, you wrote:
>            Hi!
>    I have a problem with realtek init. Sometimes after power up
>function NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_ETHER, 0, 0) spends more
>time and return 0 (all's ok), but (after net config etc) ping doesn't
>work, and can't create any socket. After call CreateSocket, NutOS
>send ARP packet, destination host send answer, and Nut re-send
>ARP question. It looks like receive does not work.
>    Long delays (1s) between power on and RegisterDevice doesn't
>change. I connected RTL reset line to atmega port, and manualy
>reset (cbi, sbi, cbi reset bit) before register RTL device. It also 
>doesn't work.
>    Hardware reset on all board (without powering off) works great.
>    In this case (when RTL apear to be dead ) I try to manualy call 
> NicInit(). Its solve my problem and all work fine, but it create second 
> rxi5 thread.
>Question is:
>    how to kill one of rxi5 threads?
>    it is safe to rewrite NicInit() function that they check
>        thread list and don't create another rxi5 (if any exist)?
>or    is any else solve?
>I hope it is readable ;-)

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