[En-Nut-Discussion] MP3 Streaming Server with Ethernut V1.3G

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Thu Jun 23 11:13:12 CEST 2005

Hi Steffen,

Ethernut 1.3G can easily transfer 250 kBytes of pure data
per second over Ethernet TCP, when using the standard API.
With some low level scheme this may increase up to 500 kB/s.

With 16 kByte of raw data per second the kernel will will
get bored soon. :-) There is plenty of time for reading
the decoder and do some other fancy stuff.

There may be one problem, though. If the peer doesn't take
the data fast enough or if you are streaming over the Internet
with its typical delays, you may run out of buffer. Expect
about 16-24 kBytes free memory after your application started.
The TCP stack may need about 4-8 kBytes for backing up data flow
(lost ACKs etc.). That would give you less than one second of
MP3 stream buffer.


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