Fwd: Re: [En-Nut-Discussion] PPP/AHDLC logic problems...

Vesa Jääskeläinen chaac at nic.fi
Sun May 8 12:20:11 CEST 2005

Here is a requested forward. Some mailing list problems with OP.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [En-Nut-Discussion] PPP/AHDLC logic problems...
Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 12:06:07 +0200
From: Matej Kupljen <matej.kupljen at gmail.com>
Reply-To: Matej Kupljen <matej.kupljen at gmail.com>
To: Vesa Jääskeläinen <chaac at nic.fi>
CC: Ethernut User Chat (English) <en-nut-discussion at egnite.de>


> > If I add three printf's into the ahdlcavr.c into the case statement, one
> > before IF statement, one if IF is true and one if IF is false it WORKS!
> > I can't believe that I have spent 4 days (and nights) just to find out
> > that it can be compiler problem :-(
> Can you send complete source code of your modified codes so it will make
> my workaround/fixing process a bit faster.

See the attached file (ahdlcavr.c).
Do you neeed anything else?

> > Because I don't know the AVR assembler, I can tell if this is a
> > compiler or assembler bug. I'll try to upgrade the compiler first
> > and see if things change.
> I think WinAVR is still in 3.3.4. Well tell me about your process how
> well compiler update changed situation so it will help to pinpoint
> possible problem between compiler or the code itself.

I'll first check if anything has been done in that direction.


P.S.: My previous post was rejected by the mailing list. Can you
post this to the list, so others can benefit form this also?

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