[En-Nut-Discussion] Linux GCC Build of ethernut-3.8/3.9 - SuSE 9.3 Problems

Grahame M. Kelly grahame at wildpossum.com
Thu May 19 04:01:21 CEST 2005

Hi EtherNuters.

I had my laptop damaged and its disk totally distroyed and hence became the 
perfect reason to upgrade my ethernut system to Harald's newest offering 

Problems is using SuSE 9.3 distro, and compiling from source ethernut-3.9 or 
ethernut 3.8 I create numerous errors - some relating to g++, some to other 
functionality expected to be loaded - liblua50.so.5.0; libpng10,so,0; 
libwx-gtk-2.4.so.0; etc.

To avoid someone doing double work, I read all the group post for the last six 
months but I didn't see answers for my particular predictament.  I had loaded 
what I assume (not a good to ass-u-me I know) to be the required rpm's/code 
from SuSE 9.3 distro - as follows:




/usr/bin/g++ --version
g++ (GCC) 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)

gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)

additionally I hunted with google to find if anyother distro had newer or 
better named releases that suited the Ethernut source requirement - Debian 
seems to be the standard but my "deb2rpm" tool didn't work as expected,
so I reverted back to looking for a rpms.

--- Unfortunately ---

These rpms did't put the required libs in lib cache, myabe they arn't the 
same, resulting in the make of ethernut-3.9 failures. i.e:  complains about 
liblua50.so.5.0; libpng10.so.0; libwx-gtk-2.4.so.0; lib-g++.so not being 

Is it that some libraries are the same but have different id:
i.e: libwx-gtk-2.4.so.0 is the same as libwxGTK-2.4.so.0 ??

I appreciate it is a distro problem probably, but a lot of SuSE users & 
newbies I am associated with have given up trying to get ethernut-3.8 & 
ethernut-3.9 running. The new GTK config screen doesn't get even off the 
ground in some cases. So we have gone back to compiling from source code 
distribution (www.ethernut.de download). Any comments ?

To help others including myself - would someone kindly put on the Ethernut.de 
site what particular rpms are required for each major distro and URL where 
these can be found. Otherwise we will lose people who are very interested in 
using EtherNUT's, but aren't s/w technical enough to figure out the issues 
stopping them getting up and running.

Assuming it is a distro related issue, I will be very happy to work with 
anyone on sorting out these issues. Contact me directly by email cc to this 
list or if you really wish to go VoIP my number is +612-88157113. AEST 
(Australian Eastern Standard Time).  Anyone volunteering to assist ?

Standing by:
Cheers & Thanks. Grahame

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