[En-Nut-Discussion] Differences in Sample Code

Joachim Skale joachim.skale at tele2.at
Wed Nov 9 13:01:03 CET 2005


in the sample codes there a differences.
in the basemon code there is this:
#ifdef __GNUC__
void NutInit(void) __attribute__ ((naked)) __attribute__ ((section(".init8")));
extern int NutAppMain(void) __attribute__ ((noreturn));

#ifdef __IMAGECRAFT__

void main(void)


and the corresponding makefile includes the following LIBS.
LIBS =  -lnutnet -lnutpro -lnutfs -lnutos -lnutdev -lnutnet -lnutcrt

BUT in the sample code logtime there is only the main function, and in the Makefile
the a additional lib is included:
LIBS =  $(LIBDIR)/nutinit.o -lnutpro -lnutnet -lnutpro -lnutfs -lnutos -lnutdev -lnutnet -lnutcrt

Can anyone help me how to set up a new Project?



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