[En-Nut-Discussion] Sending dynamic HTML data to a JAVA applet

Ernst Stippl ernst at stippl.org
Mon Oct 24 20:19:44 CEST 2005


I took the HTTPD example app and modified the "sample" directory to include
an (example) .html and a JAVA .class file. Created a new UROM and compiled
it together with httpserv.c

Now I am able to execute the JAVA applet (which creates and displays a
line-chart), which gets its data fed from the STATICALLY html web page.
(comiled into urom)

I want to dynamically create the data which will be fed to the JAVA applet.
My understanding is that I need a registered cgi function to be able to
create the HTML data stream dynamically.
But how do I combine the sending of the JAVA .class file (which resided in
the urom file system) AND the dynamic creation of the HTML data stream?

Looking at the source of /pro/httpd.c I think I must combine parts of
"NutHttpProcessFileRequest" and "NutCgiProcessRequest".

Any experiences?

Thanks & Regards

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