[En-Nut-Discussion] Writing code to FLASH in Ethernut 3

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Mon Apr 24 13:02:43 CEST 2006


At 12:38 24.04.2006 +0200, you wrote:

>There is another thing: when I burn the BOOTMON.BIN program or my LED
>example, the JTAGOMAT program ends fine, reseting the board and so on,
>but when I try to burn my application, the Turtelizer's LED blinks
>during the burning process, but after 7 minutes, it turns on for two
>seconds and the JTAGOMAT software ends abruptly, without reseting the
>board or showing an error.
>My code is 160Kbytes in length.
>Does anybody knows why does this happen?

There may be more than one problem here. Hmmm....

One is, that only part of the flash will be erased in

You can call
   jtagomat -v BATCH at91-erase.jom
to erase the complete chip.


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