[En-Nut-Discussion] Nut/OS Preview Available

Harald Kipp harald.kipp at egnite.de
Wed Aug 2 16:16:59 CEST 2006

Hi Peter,

At 14:33 02.08.2006 +0200, you wrote:
>Harald Kipp schrieb:
>>Btw. which file system do you use, PHAT, PNUT or UROM?
>It's PNUT for the per ftp downloadable files, and UROM for the HTML-files.

Well, I'm not sure, how to proceed now.

Trying Firefox with the standard Nut/OS ftp sample
running on Ethernut 2 works here. I can click on the
uploaded index.html displays the contents without problem.

Trying Internet Explorer shows the root directory, but
clicking on index.html fails, because the browser tries

   CWD /index.html

instead of

   RETR /index.html

As I said previously, some optional commands, which are not
implemented in Nut/OS, may cause this.

Btw. Are you aware, that PNUT is very limited in file sizes?

  * \brief Maximum number of blocks per node.
  * Peanut supports only one node per file. Thus, this number
  * multiplied by PNUT_BLOCK_SIZE specifies the maximum file
  * size.
  * Changings this number will change the size of the node
  * structure, which must fit into a single filesystem block.

You may also enable FTP Debug by adding

#define FTPD_DEBUG

to the first line of nut/pro/ftpd.c. Do not forget to rebuild.


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