[En-Nut-Discussion] Bootstrapping a new board

Henrik Maier hmlists at focus-sw.com
Tue Dec 19 09:58:51 CET 2006

Have a look at basemon. It starts without the requirement of external 
memory. Only a functioning serial port is needed. Basemon can then be 
used to test other aspects of your hardware like memory and Ethernet.


Elan Feingold wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a new Ethernut-derived board that I'm working on bringing up.  
> The CPU boots up, and the JTAG port seems to work. Now I would like  
> to bring up the memory subsystem, but I'm in a bit of a chicken-or- 
> egg scenario. Is there any way Nut/OS can run without the extra SRAM  
> so that I can test other portions, or do I need to get the memory  
> working right off the bat? And what's the best way to do this, should  
> I extract the memory handling portion from Nut/OS for use in testing?
> Oh, and besides setting the right fuse bits, are there any other  
> little gotchas I should worry about?
> Many thanks,
> -elan
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