[En-Nut-Discussion] Vintage Ethernut 1.1 documentation

Hugo Simon hugo.simon at gmx.de
Sun Feb 26 19:59:34 CET 2006


I have an vintage 1.1 Ethernut, that one with the mega103 processor. And
I've lost my hardware documentation. Does anyone have this old stuff?

I have two questions regarding this:

1. is it possible to change the processor to an mega128, inkluding faster
2. is there any possibility to add an memorymapped (2kB address space) addon

The sense in this is to exchange a Z80 CPU with the Ethernut in my DS9-table
(www.trektech.de) which is broken. It lost its flash memory content and my
old Eprommer also does not work anymore.

So I thought adding a nut is a good idea, so I got ethernet that way and the
old nut laying around senselessly. My first attempt doing all the stuff in
software was a mess, both nuts (the old and a new 2.1 are much to slow for

Thank you

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