[En-Nut-Discussion] Ethernut for Atmel AT91SAM7X256/128

rtems rtems at 126.com
Fri Jun 9 08:05:08 CEST 2006

I am working on porting ethernut3 to AT91SAM7X256 EK board. The following has been finished:

1. Starting code and ldscript for running in flash.
2. Debug/burn with WinARM, openocd and Wiggler tools chain.
3. Devices driver of devDebug and devUart.
4. Inernal flash operations and NvMem simulation.
4. Threads example.

My workmate is writing EMAC driver now.  The OS will be OK for our project after the EMAC runs.

I'm glad to contribute all these code to the Ethernut project.  But we have no time to learn the configrator and doxygen tools.  I have created a seprate build directory to contain all SAM7X code.  Some macroes are also defined for platform related code.  I'll release a zip file after the EMAC driver finished.  Maybe someone will be interested in it and go on.

HU Daidai

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