AW: [En-Nut-Discussion] how to Manage multiple platform, AVR/ARm in windows ?

Henrik Maier hmlists at
Mon Oct 30 10:12:48 CET 2006


I am using the following Makefile which lives in the ethernut directory 
(the directory where you find nutconfigure.exe) to build Nut/OS for my 
two platforms:


.PHONY: all
all: ethernut13g ethernut21b xnut-100 xnut-105

	-$(RM) -R $@-gcc app-$@-gcc
	nutconfigure -i../../$@-gcc/include -b ./$@-gcc -c ./nut/conf/$@.conf 
-mavr-gcc create-buildtree
	nutconfigure -i../../$@-gcc/include -b ./$@-gcc -a app-$@-gcc -c 
./nut/conf/$@.conf -mavr-gcc -pavr-jtagicemkii create-apptree
	$(MAKE) -C $@-gcc install


Run this makefile with a parameter. The parameter can be the name of a 
.conf file but without the .conf extension. For example:

make ethernut13f

This makefile configures Nut/OS for the specified platform using the 
command line nutconfigure.exe utility and creates separate build and 
application directories for each platform.


> Betreff: [En-Nut-Discussion] how to Manage multiple platform,AVR/ARm in
> windows ?
> i having problem on manage multiple platform in one pc, can anyone give me a
> guide on how to do it ?
> wfloh 

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