[En-Nut-Discussion] Porting Ethernut 1.3-Rev. G to my hardware

Zachary psilva at opensoftware-br.com
Tue Oct 31 15:43:10 CET 2006

Thank you,

With this minor changes I got basemon running, but have a error, system 
answer only one ping reguests and hang, I guess, because have no more 
answers from it, when I thy to connect to web server I saw the rx and tx 
leds flashing for short time after this only rx continues falshing, so I 
have 2 questions.

As I am new to NUT/OS, does the system provide any kind of debug to help me 
at this point?
I cannot use jtag because I am using portf to realtek access.
What is the best value to put in NUT/OS to separate stack in Interrup 
handler option?
Basemon report that I have 28416bytes of external sram.



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