[En-Nut-Discussion] UART Example with ICCAVR

Jason Walton walton.jason at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 01:22:31 CEST 2006


I've worked all day on different methods of reading data into UART1 on my
1.3G board with very little success.  The _read() or UsartRead() functions
will hold-off until the first character is detected, after this point it
acts like the buffer is full all the time.

This should not be a very difficult process, and I would have expected
utilizing the "uart.c" sample project would have worked just fine by simply

"DEV_UART" with "&devUsartAvr1"
"DEV_UART_NAME" with "uart1"
"r+" with "r+b"

However, this being said, I've noticed that this example has a disclaimer at
the top stating "Some functions do not work with ICCAVR."  I suspect that
I've come accross the functions that don't work. :)

If a list of ICCAVR non-compatible Nut/OS functions is available, could you
please send it along to me.  All I'm looking for is to simply initialize the
uart and read/write to it, I would expect that it should only take a few
lines of code.  If this is true, perhaps you can generate an example  that
will simply initilize uart1, write a few bytes out ("Hello"), wait in a loop
for data to come back and echo uart1 data to uart0.

Keep in mind that I'm using the 1.3G board running Nut/OS 4.0.3 compilling
the sample with ICCAVR Pro.

Thanks so much for your help thus far,

Jason Walton

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