[En-Nut-Discussion] Problems with the RTC-Chip on Ethernut 3 Rev. E

Claus Claus at Eret.de
Sun Dec 30 18:04:18 CET 2007


I am new at this Mailinglist and I am new on Ethernut. But I hope Im right

To learn something about Ethernut i tryed out the exampels.
The FTP-Server and the 'caltime' uses the RTC but the RTC won't work.

When I try to debug it seams that the TWI works crorrect. 
When I am right the Bootloader uses the EEPROM from the RTC-Chip and it
works fine.
But the Time and Date values are bad.
Is there any trick? Must i activate the Clock anyware?
When i have a look to the Schematic I do not find any Jumper or something
like that.

Can anyone help me? 

Regards & and a happy new year


PS:here is a text from the Console of the 'caltime' Application:

		Calendar Time 1.0 running on Nut/OS
		Registering RTC hardware...OK

		  0 - Display seconds counter
		  1 - Display universal time
		  2 - Display local time
		  3 - Calculate weekday
		  S - Set local time
		  Y - Toggle DST calculation
		  Z - Set timezone
		What is thy bidding, my master? s
		Enter date, use format YYYY/MM/DD (2106/02/06): 2007/12/30
		Enter time, use 24h format HH:MM:SS (01:28:15): 17:00:00

		  0 - Display seconds counter
		  1 - Display universal time
		  2 - Display local time
		  3 - Calculate weekday
		  S - Set local time
		  Y - Toggle DST calculation
		  Z - Set timezone
		What is thy bidding, my master? 2
		 [/] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [-] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [\] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [|] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [/] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [-] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [\] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [|] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [/] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [-] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [\] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [|] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [/] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [-] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [\] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [|] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [/] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [-] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [\] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [|] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [/] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [-] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [\] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [|] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00   
		 [/] Local time: Sunday, 2106/02/06, 01:28:15 UTC-05:00    

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