[En-Nut-Discussion] Trouble uploading to Ethernut 2.1.b Board

Michael Casanova michael.casanova at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 02:15:57 CEST 2007

Hi All,

I am having trouble uploading anything to my Ethernut 2.1b Board.  I have
been searching for a solution all day, but have yet to find anything that

I am using the AVR JTAG adapter that came with my board and have it
connected between the J7 connection and my serial port /dev/ttyS0.  On JP5,
I have pins 1 and 2 shorted, and pins 5 and 6 shorted.

I am trying to use avrdude to program my microcontroller, and have tried
using may different settings, all to no avail.  I am unsure which programmer
to use.  I have tried using STK500, STK200, and a number of the JTAG listed
in the avrdude.conf file.  None of them have worked.

When I connect the JTAG adapter to my serial port, and press Ctrl-V, I get
the hex output:  E0E0 0008.  I am not getting the version number of the
programmer.  My port is configured as follows:  /dev/ttyS0, baud rate -
115200, no parity, 8-bit, 1 stop bit, no flow control.

My serial port is functional.  I have been able to verify that it is working
correctly by connecting the RS-232 connection directly to my serial port,
holding down the spacebar, and pressing reset button.  I am able to get the
Nut/OS version,  the IP Address, the IP Mask, and the Common Gateway.  The
sample application (httpd server) is already loaded, and functions

I am seeing some weirdness with the LED on the JTAG adapter.  When I first
power up the board, the LED is solid red.  When I try to program the board,
or issue a Ctrl-V from the terminal, the LED goes out.  The only way to
reset the LED to solid red is to power down and power up the board.  The
reset button does not reset the LED.

I have received a number of error messages when issuing the "make burn"
command, but I they are probably not too helpful, since they are different
depending on which programmer I have selected in my Makefiles.

I do have read/write access on my /dev/ttyS0 port.

I believe my problem lies in a faulty JTAG Programmer, or in selecting the
correct programmer in my Makefiles.

Your help and advice is greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

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