[En-Nut-Discussion] a strange "trace" code in usartavr.c

Matthias Ringwald mringwal at inf.ethz.ch
Tue Mar 6 10:45:09 CET 2007

Hi Michael

> My question is:
>      if I move "trace 4" to the end of the function, will it change  
> the semantics of this function ?
Nope. It will fix a bug. :) It really should be at the end, I guess  
that was my mistake.
I'vll updated the CVS as soon as I can access it. :)

The loop is only added based on a compilte time flag which is set to  
false as default
and if the tracer is not enabled, it also doesn't matter.

Thanks for pointing out the mistake,



> #ifdef NUTTRACER
>        TRACE_ADD_ITEM 
> #endif
>    } while ( inb(UCSRnA) & _BV(RXC) ); // byte in buffer?
>    // Eventually post event to wake thread
>    if (postEvent)
>        NutEventPostFromIrq(&rbf->rbf_que);
> #endif
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------------------

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