[En-Nut-Discussion] FTP-Client for 1.3H

Stephane Schmuck Stephane.Schmuck at koeln.de
Wed Nov 28 09:03:39 CET 2007

Hi Wolfgang,

I can't verify your opinion...but maybe it is a problem with the 1.3H 
Revision :-)
I have a Ethernut Board 1.3F with an MMC & FTP server up and running.

If you want to see some stuff & code, look at the server from Steve at 



> Hi Nut-Community,
> I´ve read that it is not possible to programm the Nut-Borad Rev. 1.3H as 
> a FTP-Server - that´s obvious. But I think it should be possible to 
> programm the Board as a FTP-Client, shouldn´t it. We want transfer 
> meassurement datas (saved on a MMC/SD-Card) to a FTP-Server.
> Have anyone ever Programmed such a Applikation?
> There are any samples how to do this?
> -Thank you for helping me.
> Best regards
> Wolfgang Rasp

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