[En-Nut-Discussion] How to use the Banked memory

Steve Kelly steve at planetcontrols.com.au
Thu Oct 25 22:26:07 CEST 2007



Can anyone help me out with how to use the banked memory in the Ethernut

I need an additional 32k to store some structure data.

How do you initialize and use the banked memory?


I remember reading something about the PNut file system some time ago.

Problem is I am already using the XFlash for http pages and I don't
think you can use both.


Any help would be appreciated.


Kind Regards,

Steve Kelly
Projects and Systems Development Engineer

36 Costin Street
Fortitude Valley Qld  4006
Ph: (07) 3852 1255
Fax: (07) 3852 1272
Mob: 0402350818
Email: steve at planetcontrols.com.au

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