[En-Nut-Discussion] Imagecraft and strtok_r in 4.6er release

Ole Reinhardt ole.reinhardt at embedded-it.de
Fri Aug 1 12:01:59 CEST 2008

Hi Harald,

> Looks like we will have 4.6.1 soon. Specifically the SAM9 suffers from a 
> few problems (see latest CVS HEAD).

Did'nt we always miss to fix those little things? :-)

Btw: If you plan the release a 4.6.1 version soon. I still have my ICMP
destination unreachable code in my desk drawer. I could add this code
for the next release, if you like. As it would change the behaviour of
NutUDPSend and NutUDPReceive it is deactivated by default and first
needs to be activated by a socket option.

> > I'm wondering why you needed to modifiy the cgi.c and ssi.c code to not
> > use strtok_r with imagecraft compilers.
> I was wondering too. For some unknown reason I had been unable to figure 
> out the linker problem.

Strange, but the crt files should be compiled for ICCAVR too, right?
Perhaps obj-dump (does imagecraft support similar tools?) could help to
figure out, if the symbol is available? Perhaps just a missing entry in
a makefile?

> > Have'nt been "ctr/strtok_r.c" created to fill this gap? Indeed your code

> If I remember correctly, the code size had been reduced by about 100 
> bytes and the second version doesn't require allocating a duplicate 
> string. Thus, I _assume_ that it is faster. ;-) Due to lack of time I 
> didn't test it very well, though.

I suppose it will be, shure. Your code is just a specialized version of
mine. Question is if it's that much faster to outweigh a more general


Ole Reinhardt

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| Embedded-IT          Hard- und Softwarelösungen             |
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| Ole Reinhardt        Tel. / Fax:        +49 (0)271  7420433 |
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