[En-Nut-Discussion] (no subject)

Rasmus Aagesen rasmus.aagesen at tonica.dk
Mon Nov 24 13:42:08 CET 2008

Hallo Thiago.

We have connected the cable and there are connection to the local net via
this cable. 

We have copied all files to the other PC so the code and files are
identically width the working pc's, we are also using the same kit.

Best Regard,


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: en-nut-discussion-bounces at egnite.de
[mailto:en-nut-discussion-bounces at egnite.de] PĂ„ vegne af Thiago A. CorrĂȘa
Sendt: 21. november 2008 17:00
Til: Ethernut User Chat (English)
Emne: Re: [En-Nut-Discussion] (no subject)


   Welcome to ethernut :)

   I don't use arm, so I'm not sure, but I do remember a discussion
not long ago on the list saying that the NutRegisterDevice on arms
were failing if the cable were disconnected.

    Hope this helps a bit.

Kind Regards,
    Thiago A. Correa

On 11/21/08, Rasmus Aagesen <rasmus.aagesen at tonica.dk> wrote:
>  Hallo Harald.
>  My name is Rasmus, I am from a small Company called Tonica.
>  You have be mailing white Lasse Conrad about Nut/Os Ethernut , Lasse have
>  left the company, so I am currently on this topic.
>  We are using AT91SAM9260-EK developing kit, and we Communicate via
>  To communicate  via  Ethernet we use the EtherNut core.
>  We have the communication up and running on one pc, we how ever have a
>  problem, getting the Ethernet communication to work on a different pc
>  an identically application.
>  In our code the function.
>  NutRegisterDevice(&DEV_ETHER, 0x8300, 5);
>  Is returning -1.
>  We can't seem to find the problem Hopping you could help.
>  Best Regard
>  Rasmus.
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