[En-Nut-Discussion] NutHeapAlloc Error?

Timothy M. De Baillie debaillie at ciholas.com
Mon Oct 13 21:06:59 CEST 2008

I'm trying to trace down a bug on a system that has REALLY low memory 
and has lots and lots of mallocs.  So this may not really be a problem, 
but I thought I would see what others thought.

in the OS, os/heap.c,

~~~ OS CUT ~~~
void *NutHeapAlloc(size_t size)

    if (size >= available) {
        if (__heap_trf)
            fputs("MEMOVR\n", __heap_trs);
        return 0;

     * We need additional space in front of the allocated memory
     * block to store its size. If this is still less than the
     * space required by a free node, increase it.
    if ((size += MEMOVHD) < sizeof(HEAPNODE))
        size = sizeof(HEAPNODE);
~~~ OS CUT ~~~

Should the check "if(size >= available)" not happen after the last two 

 From what I read, if you request 11 bytes and had exactly 11 bytes 
available, then you would cause a memory wrap of some sort.

Thanks in advanced,


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