[En-Nut-Discussion] Applet Java

Dusan Ferbas dferbas at etech.cz
Thu Apr 23 16:49:51 CEST 2009

Hi Benoit,

why not to use standard form or url encoded POST/GET (an action 
triggered by submitting a form in a web page) ?.
See NutHttpProcessQueryString() or NutHttpProcessPostQuery()

With applet you have normally a limitation, that you can send only to 
an IP address, from where an applet was loaded.
So you have to store the applet in your device. Similar is with an 
AJAX script, but with ajile, you can go beyond this limitation.

With little off topic, but to answer your question, I put following links here.
An example of an applet reading XML from embedded device can be found 
here: http://www.etech.cz/en/livedemo/javaappl.htm
Feel free to use dynamic graphs with Adobe Flash component: 

Other demos, most of them with downloadable sources, can be found 
here: http://www.etech.cz/demo/poseidon/ or through 'Live DEMO' menu items.

At 12:00 23.4.2009, Benoit Smeysters wrote:
>I want send datas with my browser back to my application that's run 
>on my ethernut board
>Is it possible to include applet Java in my web server instead of a cgi ?
>Someone has a tutorial or a link with explanation ? Or maybe an example ?


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