[En-Nut-Discussion] Question regarding NutLoadConfig/NutSaveConfig

Ulrich Prinz uprinz2 at netscape.net
Mon Aug 24 23:21:39 CEST 2009


I'd like to add the AT24C driver in combination with the new at91_twi.c 
as a generic EEPROM driver to the NutConfig system.

Crawling through the code shows, that the existing NutLoadConfig() is 
called at the beginning of the NutInit() function that also installs the 
main() function as an idel-task.

Before that NutLoadConfig() call, there is no additonal code that 
installs any kind of driver. While my boards run fine, if I use the 
at91EFC option, where the config is locatd in the onchip flash, no other 
option works. I.e. If I setup the AT45DB serial flash for NutConfig 
space it doesn't work, and if I use my new eeprom driver, it doesnt work 

I was shure, that it don't work with my eeprom, as first the at91_twi 
has to be initialized, and second, the at24c init has to be called to 
setup at least one eeprom to be connected to the twi.
I knew that and investogated for the point, where the AT45DB installs 
it's SPI node... I don't find it. And, as the system crashes with the 
AT45DB too, I fear that there is something missing...

Any idea, or help, or tip where I missed something?

Best regards,


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