[En-Nut-Discussion] Optimizing nutconf

duane ellis ethernut at duaneellis.com
Fri Jan 16 00:58:29 CET 2009

various> [ Widgits this ]
various> [ Lua That ]

Gee - this list sounds more like a GUI application list - not an 
embedded device app. You know, a simple text interface WORKS and works 
everywhere without these problems. No "version problems" to be found, 
and nobody has to be on the "upgrade tread-mill" with various GUI and 
TOOL and what ever packages.

All of this sure sounds like "DLL HELL" windoze guys deal with.

You guys have spent *HOW* many hours and *HOW* many emails talking about 
"Optimizing nutconf"?
In my opinion, too many.


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